Outside, I miss you


“As much of an introvert that I am, I’m not gonna lie, I miss OUTSIDE! I wanna eat tacos and drink margaritas, I wanna be ART bae and visit museums, I wanna take my damn son to school and drop my husband off at WORK!” #QuarantinedWife

Not having the option to participate in outdoor activities is pissing me off, driving me crazy but also making me appreciate the cozy comfortability of my home and all the #targetstyle cozy wear I’ve racked up on over the last couple of months.

I respectfully asked my mother to stop sending me every Covid-19 story. It was OD! Detaching from the hysteria of the virus but staying informed is a hard balance. So I try to find the light in it all. 

I usually deflect my fear by turning it into laughter and although my normal life very much consists of “staying 6 ft away from people at all times”, outside is calling my NAME for several different reasons. 

I wanted to share my top five things I miss most about outside being OPEN! 

  1. Nail salon ~ It’s humanly impossible to type this without looking down at my ugly, chipped, almost month old gel manicure. “Pick a cala” is replaying in my head from the last time I stepped foot in the salon. It’s a quote I didn’t think I’d miss so much! 

  2. Eating out ~ Exactly what is the point of moving to a new city if we can’t explore the exquisite cuisine it has to offer? Pre-quarantine my little family ate somewhere new once a week. We have a lot of catch up eating out to do. I cannot wait to be extremely disrespectful to my husbands pockets. Once outside open back up, I don’t plan on cooking for a month. (Don’t tell Paul) I mean it’s the least he can do right, sis cooked 1,000 meals in the last month! I’m sis (for the slow folks in the back). 

  3. Target ~ I’m not gonna lie and say I haven’t been there, that’d be blasphemous. Yes I’ve been there and it’s not giving me the same feels, the VIBES are off, I don’t wanna touch anything, and most importantly STARBUCKS is closed?!? It’s just mad uncomfortable. My love and loyalty hasn’t tainted though, we’ll be back like we never left.

  4. My momma and them ~ The wackest part of this all is that my mom and sister were scheduled to visit me this week. I haven’t seen my mom since Thanksgiving and my sister since last summer. The Rona has stunted all plans. I just watch my mom, stepdad and sisters make Tik Toks while I’m 5.5 hours away and I’m low key sad as hell that I’m not apart of it. 

  5. Dropping off my son to school ~ So peep if you’ve been following me, you’ll know that my son started a new school 2/24! Exactly 3 weeks before schools shutdown and the 3rd week, we were on vacay, so yeah he was actually only a student 2 weeks. The drives to school are extremely missed! See, the lack of those drives helped me discover that homeschooling is not for me and it has taught me a lot about my yelling capabilities. Through my experiences so far I’ve determined that I can get about 5-7 yells out before my throat starts to hurt.

Some days are great and exactly what the introvert ordered. Some days I struggle. Each day I ask myself how I can make this obstacle the greatest thing that’s ever happened to me? 

Something to think about right? 

Stay positive my friends and stay home so we can come outside in June. 

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