Five Annoying Comments Strangers Have Made About My Kid!


Don’t you hate when people volunteer unnecessary information about your kid or even just make the most ridiculous statements?! It’s a pet peeve of mine. I completely understand every parent raises their child the way they want and if they are not endangering their lives, it is absolutely positively none of my business. However as we all know, everybody is not like me and some folks must get some type of high by budding into your life with some crap to say about your kid or what things you should or shouldn’t be doing. I’ve put together a list of the five most annoying things strangers have said and or did multiple times to me in my 20 months of motherhood! 

  1. “You have such a cute little girl” - I have a son btw so yeah that’s pretty annoying. My son is also always dressed like a BOY! Oh and he’s also not growing his hair out so his hair is always cut low too and no his ears aren’t pierced. Statements make like make you realize that there are humans out here who are really not that bright.
  2. “He must be hungry” - I’m not going to lie, I have a cry baby of a toddler right now. There are often times when we are out whether it’s the grocery store, church, or pretty much anywhere in public and he cries. I’m not sure why random people try to diagnose my child’s cries. On more than a one occasion I’ve been told my son must be hungry and they know this howwww?! Little do they know, he eats ALL of the time. No exaggeration!
  3. “Do you mind if I give him some candy” - Very freaking creepy right?!!? So on a few occasions old ladies in the supermarket would ask me if they could give my 20 month old a piece of hard ass church candy. You know the butterscotches, peppermints, and strawberry filled candies.The ladies are sweet and possibly don’t mean any harm but he’s barely two. No, no and no! Do you see his teeth?
  4. “Omg, your son is so small” - First of all, are you his pediatrician?! That statement annoys me on a few different levels. #1 he’s actually not so small, he’s exactly where he’s supposed to be. #2 What if he was so small?! Why do you think it’s a good idea to rub that in my face especially if the reasons he was were serious issues. #3 Just say he’s cute and keep it moving! #4 He might look light but he’s heavy tho! ( I had to add that in there) my husband and I always says that after someone comments on my sons size.
  5. Awww no, he can’t have any sugar? I’m sure I just told him No, so the answer is No. I’m not that mom who doesn’t let her kid indulge in a little bit of sweet stuff like cookies or cake every now and then but I am in control. If I say No, that’s what I mean. Your follow up comment will never change my mind. Mind yours! 
I needed to RANT! Hope you enjoyed, agreed and if you have any others feel free to comment them!  
Signed, Sealed and Delivered from a mom that would rather you just stay SILENT!