Welcome To My Hood: Toddlerhood

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Being a toddler mom is like being apart of this super lit organization full of moms who don’t get enough sleep, spend majority of their money on their little ones, take 100 pictures when they get the opportunity to look cute, and pour endless amounts of wine when they are off duty. We love with no limits and give all with no complaints (sometimes). There are times we win and there are times we drink many cups of coffee just to make through the day.

Most of the time to the outside world we look like we have it altogether but deep inside we are really losing our sh**. We get up for work with the bare minimum hours of sleep, we spend our mornings arguing with a mini version of ourselves about putting on matching shoes, well I do, lol which in the long run makes me late for work. Late for work for me means I'll be even later because there is no way I can start the day without breakfast. So yeah, throw the whole day away and lets start again tomorrow is my motto more days than I would like.

The craziness of motherhood is one of those things moms jokingly complain about but we wouldn’t trade this mommy lifestyle for anything else in the world. To all my non moms, we don’t mean all those bad things we say about our kids sometimes, we really do love them and all of their randomness, sometimes they just act like jerks. I actually enjoy watching Paw Patrol these days, Chase and them are some cool kids. Sunday night the whole family fell asleep to Cars 2 just before 9. I know, some ROCKSTARS we are. Just last night we watched Chicken Little and I was so into it that even after I put Cam to bed, I watched the rest of the movie all by myself. I felt bad for that little Chicken, poor kid just couldn’t catch a break.

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We talk and think about our kids obsessively which makes us a little crazy and at the same time we can't wait to drop them off on Friday to grandmas after a long ass week but the whole time they are away, we are face timing them because we miss them. And if your kid is anything like mine, he's having a blast at grandmas and has no interest in talking to me but I still call just to see him say "Mommy, I'm watching Emoji'. It's really something only Moms can comprehend.

This toddler mommy life is lit because we have a super cute photo buddy until the kid decides they are no longer interested in taking snap chat filter pics with you, using the bathroom in peace is a distant memory, I mean come on who needs privacy anyway?, finding toys and socks in your pocketbook are always great conversation starters while at work, hearing mommy called at LEAST 25 times a day can be the most pleasant sound, watching a person in such a little body express all these opinions about what he/she likes when no one asked keeps its interesting, and let's not forget your own personal entertainment while out in public. Just imagine a toddler that all of a sudden wants crackers and repeats "I want crackers" 100 times nonstop, has no idea why we don’t yell in Target, and refuses to stay seated in the shopping cart. Did you imagine it? Instant stress, right? Welp, welcome to my life.

Its hard-work, its tiring, it's fun, its random, but it's SO worth it and having an organization of moms that support and understand you makes it even more LIT.