Cammy Takes On The Dentist


For months Cams' pediatrician has been pushing us to schedule his first dentist appointment. Usually I am on point with this type of stuff, however I was trying to schedule around the winter holidays then we moved to a different state and the chaos in all of that kind of put a pause on things. So no more excuses, we are all moved in. I researched about five dentists within 5 miles from our house and narrowed it to down to the best reviews, Yelp played a huge role in that. I made the appointment, made sure my husband cleared his schedule, I was looking at it as a huge event and kind of got anxiety. I am very very very dramatic and all sorts of thoughts came through my head like what if he bites the dentist and she starts bleeding then we have a whole situation. I mean come on, it’s not that extreme then reality kicked in and it’s really not that serious. Nonetheless, I was excited. My little baby boy is going to his first of many dentist appointments.

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I looked on the bright side, my son thoroughly enjoys brushing his teeth.  He yells “teeth” and cheeses so hard, it’s hands down one of the cutest things I’ve ever seen. So it’s not too much to it, schedule the appointment and pray for good results. The appointment lasted about 15 minutes long. Cam sat on my lap with his legs wrapped around my waist and his head laying in the lap of the dentist. Before she began to examine, he was obsessed with the lights on the wall, they were blue bubble lights and the music in the background was “The Temptations”. We were singing and in a good mood before it began which is extremely helpful. Once the examination began, he was giving her a hard time because she was prying his mouth open to take a peek, but with the gentle touch of mommy, I held his hands and he relaxed. She then gave him a quick cleaning and because he likes the taste of toothpaste he calmed down. The visit ended with him leaving with a new toy and positive news. NO CAVITIES! First dental appointment in the books, the anticipation that lead up to something that lasted 15 MINUTES was a bit much! Chronicles of a first time mommy I guess.

Here are a few takeaways….

  • Choose a dentist with bright lights, bold colors, wall art, music, all those things are helpful in distracting your kid from the dentist checking out their teeth

  • Brush twice, in the morning and at night

  • Staying away from juice as long as possible keeps the cavities away

  • If your kid drinks milk before bed, brush lightly to wipe milk residue away, if it sits for too long it can cause cavities as well

  • Limit carbs, sugars and especially those fruit snacks

  • CLEAN THE MOLARS, it can be difficult but it’s necessary

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