10 Things This Mom Wants For Valentines Day!


The day for LOVE is upon us! Excited? Do you celebrate this day full out? We don’t take it too seriously but in my household we definitely acknowledge it. Sometimes I simply get a card, other times I get gifts, sometimes I get chocolates, flowers, chocolate covered strawberries, one year a necklace, a ring, and one of my favs were a pair of beautiful Tiffany studs. Now all of that stuff is GRAND however now that I’m a mom, my wish list has changed quite a bit. Below I have listed the things this mom would highly appreciate on Valentine’s Day and some of these items won’t cost a thing!




I'm sure my fellow moms can agree!

  • Silence - My dear baby Jesus, what is that anymore? I have lullabies, Elmo and that darn Moana movie playing over and over in my head. Not to mention, my sweet Cameron, he means well but sheesh does he whine. A moment or a few hours of silence would be special. Price: FREE
  • A Break - You know that time you have that’s unaccounted for when you get to do nothing or you get to do the things you like to do. Some of my moms may not recall what that is. Maybe it’s just me trying to finish the book by my fav “We’re going to need more wine”. Just give me time ALONE to do what it is I want to do and if that my friend is doing nothing, then so be it. Price: FREE
  • Energy - Oh Energy, where art thou? I won’t lie I have never been much of an energetic, let’s run to the moon and across the ocean type of girl. Some days I peel myself out of bed. Asking for a little jump in my engine on this day and all days would definitely be a good look. Price: FREE
  • Massage - Now don’t get me wrong I fully enjoy a massage from hubby but today I need a professional. Dim lights, relaxing melodies, and a good ole full body massage for this super tired super wife super mom wouldn’t hurt. Now this may cost you. “I’m worth it”! Price: $100-$150
  • Breast Lift - Before motherhood, no kind of surgery would ever come out of my mouth. Delivering and nurturing a child sure does take a toll on your body. I’m so unhappy with my breasts. They definitely have a mind of their own since I stopped nursing. A nice lift and maybe a little implant here and there would make this mama feel good. This is going to cost a pretty penny. Price: $6500 - $10,000 (Not until I pop out more babies) Just something for you to think about.
  • Chocolates - There will never be a day I turn down chocolates, EVER! If Paul walks in the house gift-less, he just better have some good chocolate and I’m not talking about his body! I have a problem with sweets, it would all be gone the next day but the goal to have a happy wife would be accomplished and that’s all that matters. We will worry about how it affects my teeth later. Price: Depends on your taste in chocolate, possibly $5-$50
  • All things coffee! - My brain has me convinced that I need coffee to survive Monday thru Friday! I know it’s a figment of my imagination but French vanilla coffee with vanilla cream and sugar taste so magical. Serve me coffee up until noon, that’s my cut off and buy me the cutest mugs and boom, Happy Wife, Happy Mom! Price: Cheap AF
  • S & S - Who wants to guess? One involves sleeping and the other involves not sleeping! Oh judge your mother, how’d these babies get here? These are two things guaranteed to make any day spectacular. Price: FREE
  • Chef - Okay, not necessarily a professional. I would just like a bomb meal and to not have to be the one who cooks it. If my son could cook it, that’d be great. Since he can’t, my husband can do it, he can hire a chef, or he can take my hungry behind to a good restaurant. His choice depends on the cost. Price: NEGOTIABLE
  • “Love Gifts” from the kid - You know how every holiday the kids come home with handmade gifts they made in class. Valentine’s Day 2017, Cam made me a flower on a pop sickle stick and his picture was in the middle of the flower, the stick said, “If you were a flower, I’d always pick you.” He won Valentine’s Day in my house, completely stomped all over his dads gift! It was perfect, my heart melted and it’s still on my refrigerator. Those gifts I want, I love and will keep forever.

So here it is, all laid out. I made this year extremely easy! My husband has no excuse to not meet at least half of my wishes. At the end of the day, it’s all about love.

However with or without any of these things, as long as I have love I’m a happy mom and a happy wife and that’s all that matters anyway. Happy Valentines Day! May this day bring you love, chocolates and happiness.

Signed. Sealed. Delivered. @_hislovelywife



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