Let's Get Our Hands Dirty & Catch Bugs!

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When I found out I was expecting, I low key wanted to have a boy really really bad! I wasn’t sure why because I always considered myself a girly girl. When I thought of having kids, I envisioned myself with a little girl, chocolate skin of course, very big eyes with curly black hair. I envisioned trips to the mall, spa days, dressing alike, watching girly movies together, purchasing all the pink, the frill, the lace and bows I could think of. I just figured we’d have more in common but as I stated earlier, a boy sat in my heart.

I would say to my friends, "what the hell do boys do?' I legit couldn’t think of one thing we could do together that’d we’d both enjoy. When I think of a boy, I think of playing outside, sports, bugs, race-cars and almost everything that I’m just not interested in. I cringed at the thought of dirty hands and him wanting to climb rocks, trees and everything else that could be stepped on, making mud balls and catching lighting bugs. Those things are just not my cup of tea.

So for those reasons, I obviously wasn’t excited about a boy for the sole purpose of the activities we’d do. It wasn’t the fashion aspect either. The most common clothing items you see for little boys are t-shirts with trucks and some sort of sports balls. All while little girls can be fashioned in the simplest dress with all the pretty little outfit trimmings and it’s a little mini fashionista. This was all very much a challenge. When I was 6 months pregnant, I accepted that a little boy was in my near future and I began to buy clothing, it was most definitely time for me to change my mindset.

I had to be okay with getting a little dirty every now and them, him wanting to climb and jump and not have extreme anxiety the whole time. I had to bring out my inner baby stylist and find cool outfits and accessories that fit his “too cool” personality and I say proudly I did just that. H&M became my GO TO store for his cool clothes. The slim fit skinny jeans are my favorite, the t-shirts with the cool sayings, fitted hats, linen shirts and the sweatshirt with the matching joggers are all major pieces of his wardrobe that are priced very well in my opinion. After with my adaption to the fashions of the little boy world and the activities, I concluded that it’s no so bad after all.

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Then the discovery of love. I wanted a boy SO bad because I knew he would love me. I knew that I could do no wrong in his eyes and that his father was the perfect person to teach him that love. Almost everyone in the world knows how deeply boys love their mommies. The endless kisses all throughout the day, the way his face lights up when he sees me, the way his smile makes me feel completely soft inside and how most times I’m the only one who can soothe him is the most indescribable piece of love in the world. Moral of the story is I’d be completely comfortable having 3 or 4 more boys, I’d be willing to get my hands dirty with them, catch bugs with them and be their first LOVE over & over again.

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