Trust The Process

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We have probably argued more about this than anything else in our entire relationship. 15 months later and Cameron is finally sleeping in his bed. This transition was a hard one. Sleepless nights and complete anxiety played a huge role in this adjustment. I would stay up all night until he fell asleep which would be until 2/3 in the am because I couldn’t just sleep while my precious little baby cries the night away. I struggled with if I were being a bad mom then realized that I’m doing the right thing because falling out of the bed is no bueno. With that being said, I consistently put him in his crib until he then became extremely comfortable in his own space.

To be honest, I personally didn’t mind cuddling and snuggling and sleeping with my mini me every night. As he slept in between us fully stretched out taking up way more space than a little person should, his hands smacking me in my face throughout the night and his feet kicking daddy only leaving us a small portion of the bed to fully lay wasn’t as bad as it sounds. May be a bit uncomfortable but it was most definitely peaceful knowing he was right there next to me and if he woke up throughout the night hungry, I didn’t have to get up because the liquid gold was on tap.

Now that the process is complete and he is sleeping all night long in his own bed, I feel halfway normal again. I am able to cuddle with my husband and not have to worry about Cam hanging out in the middle. I don’t have to make pillow bumpers around him if I need to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night, which takes away a lot of stress because the fall from our bed to the floor is a bit long. Now the adjustment period for me begins. I currently can’t sleep. I wake up every hour to go in the other room to make sure he’s okay which leaves me completely drained in the am.


The next morning everyone wakes up fully rested except myself. Well of course, I’m to blame. Then the only way to start my day is with a large cup of coffee and then go through the same process over and over. I definitely got more sleep when he slept with us, but that’s what Mommy hood is all about, making sacrifices for the greater cause. So for my new mommies, the moral of the story is as comforting and convenient as it is to have your baby in the bed with you, it’s not safe! There are so many dangers and I know people have been doing it for ages and their babies are okay, or maybe you don’t want to hear it from me because I'm super hype over my own success story. The cry out method has been working for ages, it’s hard to do, but I got through and can too! You just have to "Trust The Process".

Ebony Beckles2 Comments