Ten Things I’ve Tried To Not Let Motherhood Consume Me!


1. Never ever stop being you, don’t forget about your own personal interests and goals, and become entirely wrapped up in doing all things MOMMY and nothing for self.

2. Make self - care a freaking priority! Make sure you break away and make time for those nail, hair and wax appointments and not feel guilty because you probably should be tending to the long list of responsibilities waiting for you at home. Take care of you so you can take care of everyone else. #MomLife

3. Find that ONE thing to eliminate stress but also pushes you to productivity. Most people use “Exercise” and or “Mediation” to gain a clear mind  & a clear . Exercise, yeah that’s not really my thing but meditating is something I’m testing and so far so good.


4. Girls Night Out - what girls girl doesn’t need her friends? These dates are extremely important. This is another therapy remedy. Having drinks and conversation with your best girls always gives your mind a break. No pampers, no bottles, no yelling Stop! And No!

5. Date Nights! These dates are necessary and should happen as frequently as you both can fit it into the schedule. The process is always fun, getting cute, applying makeup, the car ride to the destination, the conversation and the romantic gestures reminds me of how we used to go on dates EVERY DAY it seemed like and although a lot of the conversation is about the baby, it’s a wonderful feeling and a necessary break away from parenting for the  both of you.

6. Connect with other moms! Do it via social media, start a blog (wink wink), start a moms group via Facebook or even just within your friends. Ask Questions! Moms love answering questions about their parenting techniques. You have to know you aren’t alone on this road. The struggles, the accomplishments, and the uncertainty of it all are all examples of things every mom you know is dealing with.

7. Remember that when you lose yourself, it’s not a win for anyone. The whole family is taking a loss.

8. Anything you started before becoming a mom, DON’T STOP. Don’t let motherhood be your excuse for not finishing school, working hard for that promotion, starting that business, and etc. Let motherhood push you harder to the finish line.

9. Embrace the change, don’t let the change overwhelm you. Life from now on will be forever different. Relationships with family, friends and your partner will go through an adjustment period of all sorts of emotions. It will pass. Don’t sulk. 

10. Don’t compete! Don’t let social media make you think that “Mommin” looks a certain way. Don’t let it fool you to believe your parenting skills aren’t up to par because your kids aren’t dressed a certain way or going to certain places. Don’t let those thoughts consume you, continue  to be the best mom you can be and that’s always good enough. If for some reason, you feel you are still comparing yourself, a break from social media is not a bad idea. 

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