5 Things I Want To Instill In My Kid.......


Having a kid can be the scariest yet most fantastic thing in the world. So one day your living a normal life coming and going as you please, planning vacations not thinking about baby sitters, going to the mall not thinking about strollers and diaper bags, shopping for yourself and not thinking about all the things your kid may or may not need. It’s not a bad way to live, then one day everything changes!

You are looking at your bank account with confusion wondering how you figured out how to pay an expensive day care every week, how you can afford to add this kid to your benefits and planning nail appointments weeks in advance, driving to a Target just because just to have some time to yourself. I’m not going to get into sleeping, date night and spending time with friends, sad to say but those things aren’t high on the totem pole. Yet it’s all worth it!

As quickly as life changed, you can’t even remember what life was like before Mommy hood. No matter how grown you think you are, this here motherhood thang makes you grow up instantly. It is the most important thing you’ve ever had to do in life. I️ mean you are responsible for someone else’s entire LIFE for goodness sake. I've learned so much about myself throughout these last 17 months of being a mother and when it comes down to it making sure your kid has the best and I’m not talking the best outfits, best sneakers but the best mindset and that requires a lot of responsibility. With that responsibility, I’ve come up with the five most important values I️ want to instill in my kid so he’ll be the best kid he can be and potentially a great human. We all know we have no control over the decisions our children make. We can only pray that the values we instill carry them for life. My part in making sure these values are instilled means I️ must live them out myself, practice what I️ preach, lead by example, you catch my drift!

  1. Be Yourself Unapologetically - Whatever it is you want to do, however it is you want to dress, whatever your interested in whether it’s arts, music, sports, physics, mathematics, anything...be interested in that and explore it to its full capacity. Don’t worry about what anyone else is doing, what anyone else has to say, do everything it is that your heart desires.
  2. Choose Happiness - Everyone will go through periods of transition. Sometimes those periods will be glorious and other times not so much. In these times you must realize that every morning you wake up is a blessing so in that choose happiness. Whether your bills are past due, your car is broken down or even if you are completely financially secure, be happy. Choose to smile, choose to be in a great mood because you believe in the grace of God and everything will work out just fine.
  3. Believe in Gods grace - Everything happening in your life is already written. The grace of God is what prepared you to set yourself to be in line for all of God’s blessings. Have a relationship with the man upstairs, pray when you are upset, pray when you are happy, pray just to pray, pray for everyone you love and never give up on his grace.
  4. Be a good human being - This is something that you can’t really describe. I️ mean you can say treat people how you want to be treated but if you are a person that doesn’t desire to be treated in a great way, you won’t treat people kindly. I pray my kid has a great giving loving heart. A heart that doesn’t expect anything in return. A heart that wants the world to just be a better place.
  5. Don’t just dream it, be it! - Imagine how many people there are in this world have dreamt of things so amazing but never actually put a plan in place to make them come in fruition and are still this very day in the dreaming phase. I️ want my kid to do anything and everything he dreams of. I️ want his dreams to be so big they scare him. If he wants to be the President of the United States, I️ need him to go through every necessary step and be that! Setting goals, working toward them, crushing them is the motto.
Children learn more from what you are than what you teach.
— W.E.B Du Bois
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