I just want my boobs back :(

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One year of breastfeeding down and NO more to go or so I thought!  I said this very firmly to all of my friends and family as Cameron's 1st birthday was approaching. Having not tried any tactics in how to exactly ween him off, in the back of my head I knew I was talking crap. THIS is the end, well I really wanted it to be. I have dedicated an entire 14 months of my life to supplying food for my son and I'm not gong to lie, I'm drained and my boobs are paying the consequences. A couple of weeks before his birthday I was out at a day party and almost every girl had on a top, braless with pierced nips. I know you are thinking this sounds a bit immature, maybe you’re right but I don’t care. I was so mad. I was mad because I know in my heart that I couldn’t pull that off, EVER. Well not until I have two more babies and my husband pays for my boob job. Until then, I have to continue to enjoy the views of women with great breasts and purchase more bras with the extra lift feature. I consider this gift from him a small token of appreciation for having his children. 

I’m a simple lady and wearing a top without a bra is something I guess I should have done BC (before Cam).  I don’t say these things to scare my new mommies; breastfeeding is one of my fondest memories with my son. It was our bonding time, and it was an instant straight to sleep remedy, always knocked him out. I say this to keep it real, things are going to change. The shape will change, your partner will make jokes about the extra sag, if they were perky before, they will not stay that way. It just depends on whether or not you exercise and work out that upper body so I've heard. 

Being able to walk around bra-less is NOT the only reason I need to be done. The list will go on and I may rant about the times when he is practically pulling off my shirt no matter where we are because he wants to eat or the times when you are out shopping at the mall and as soon as you find an outfit he begins to cry hysterically and will not take the sippee cup but instead throws it and grabs your boobs as if it’s his property all out in public while the "experienced moms"  are looking and judging you. You then have to stop, find somewhere to sit and feed him, and hopefully the outfit you picked out is in the same spot you left it. Let's talk about the times you want to drink wine, no judgement zone please, I have long workdays and "BC" (before Cam) keep up guys! I would pour a couple of glasses to ease my mind, but when your exclusively nursing, that's not going to work. Don't leave out the fact that he is utterly obsessed with me, that's a gift and a curse peeps.

Normal things such as brushing my teeth, eating, using the restroom, getting dress and simply BREATHING are all things that are a little more difficult. Yes there are many benefits, I'm sure way more pros than cons. I'm just at the stage where I've served my time, I'm throwing in the towel! I would just like my boobs back. In the meantime I'm googling ways to get him off, and I guess waiting for the next child (not pregnant) to come on and take them over. #PrayForMe


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