Who's The Boss

Everyday I struggle with who the boss is in my household. And no this isn't a war between my husband and I. It's actually baby vs. parents well mostly baby vs. me. I'm constantly having disagreements with my 1 year old in regards to things he can and cannot do. Not only does he actually say no when I'm talking to him, he shakes his head no in disagreement,  and talks back with an attitude in baby lingo. We argue sometimes, kind of nervous about when he really starts to talk back speaking the same languages. Sometimes he thinks he's older than he is, the way he attempts to just fly off the couch is a bit scary, and how he looks over the edge of my bed just looking down, I wonder if he's thinking how much it will hurt if he fell. Probably not, right! Apart of me wants to let him explore the world and if exploring the world means knocking down everything in sight than knock down away. I have no problem with the mess making. However when it's clean up time and he can't walk yet so he's crawling all over in my way, it then appears to not be the "clean up time" I envisioned it to be. My husband is always in my ear, let him run around and be a kid, he's a boy that's what he's supposed to do. I hear that and I get it I guess, but the world out there seems dangerous and full of germs. You're telling me I have to let my kid crawl and roll all over the floors that everyone walks on, hmmm that's gonna be a no for me!

Exactly why kids do everything they want with their dads! So the kid is busy, he legit does whatever he wants to do and I struggle with limiting him due to my own anxiety issues. I don't want to hinder him from learning and growing but everything just can't be acceptable. At what point is discipline okay? Isn't one too young? He's still trying to figure out all different types of foods and discovering new words, is discipline not apart of the process.

Right now he's doing two main things consistently that I guess is apart of what one year olds do. He picks up things he shouldn't and most of the time throws itand when he does something bad he looks at us and smiles so at that point what do I do? He is currently in the hitting phase also, he smacks my face all the time and has been pulling my glasses off my face for at least 5 months. He's knows it's wrong, but how do I get through to him that hitting is bad? Do I just pop his hand and speak firmly? I will admit, I am super new at mommy-hood and I have no idea what I'm doing. Why aren't there handbooks given out amongst your departure from the hospital? So many questions. There are days I feel so defeated because he is having his entire way and he is THE BOSS, the house is in chaos, I'm exhausted and I haven't done anything on my things to do list. I think he knows when he's worn me out, maybe he can feel my energy being drained by the hour. At that point he crawls up to me, hugs and kisses me! Like come on Casanova Cam, he sure knows how to work the system. I guess that what's baby bosses do. Eventually the days will get easier, and I will figure out how to manage it all. If any experienced moms have any advice for a newbie like me, please share! 




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