Mommin' Aint Easy

When are you going to wake up and stop making excuses for all the things you aren’t doing? What will it take for you to fully understand that yes, you have a loving husband and beautiful baby boy but you are still settling in a big area of your life? These are daily questions I ask myself. It is usually the questions I ask after I wake up, thank God and kiss my family. Some mornings, it motivates me, other mornings, not so much. As each year passes, I lose more and more time of fully doing the things I am extremely passionate about that would make me financially and mentally HAPPY. So what is my problem, I am currently still trying to figure out that part. I cannot and will not in any way blame being a mom for the lack of action I have in the career aspect of my life. Moms KILL it every day, moms are some of the most ambitious and “find a way out of no way” creatures and make it happen regardless of the circumstances. Since the birth of Cam, I have been blaming my career goals or lack thereof on not having enough time. I have been making excuses, ALL kinds of excuses as to why I am not climbing the corporate ladder. I have been blaming my lack of sleep, change in finances, and lack of free time on not making significant changes. You ever be so tired of hearing your own excuses, like damn, I don’t even know what to say anymore. I am so sick of it. I am so sick of having to explain my situation, so sick of blaming being a mom. It’s not being a mom that’s stopping me, it is ME, ALL of it is me.  

Don't get me wrong, being a mom is ALOT. If I had a dollar for the all the things we had to do I would be a millionaire. Most of the time, that list of things all need to be done within a five hour time slot, between the time you get home from work if you are a working mom and the time you go to bed. I often find myself nursing and thinking of everything that needs to be done and hopefully being able to get bed by 11. It seriously makes my brain hurt. Most nights, I have no idea when bedtime is which is why the next morning I find myself ODing on coffee, an extra-large cup of coffee at that.  Let’s just put it out there, I don't have it all together. The fight I'm struggling with is knowing that I don't absolutely need to right? I beat myself up so much, I often wish there were a few more hours in the day. This responsibility of taking care of a little human you created is a blessing but by no way a walk in the park. You are taking care of yourself, in my case, taking care of your husband because he needs just as much attention and raising a little King whom you just want the absolute best for. You pray that his bedtime gets regulated so you can at least plan your evening productively. We all know it doesn't always work out that way. One evening, I was so off, my day was stressful, I was being pulled in a couple of different directions.  I needed to cook dinner and wash my hair all while my little adventurist kid was knocking everything off the table onto the floor, throwing all of his cheese puffs and smashing them. I tried to wash my hair and cook at the same time. #Majorfail! I caught myself putting the leave in conditioner in the refrigerator and I over cooked the rice! I say all this to make the point that, yes being a mom requires a lot of work but just like everything else in life! You make time for the things you want, and you want success, you have to work for it, it just doesn’t fall into your lap. 

If you are a mom that feels a little like I do, it’s time to just STOP making excuses. It’s time to prioritize, and find routines that work for us. Find little tricks to make your list of things you have to do daily shorter so that you have more time to do productive things for self. I have noticed when I cook a big dinner on Sunday for the week, I have a free slot throughout the week to do things that are beneficial to my personal success. This free slot gives me time to work on being the best me and at the end of the day that’s all that really matters. The utilization of a calendar is so essential, making every Saturday morning, laundry day, and etc. I have also noticed that those nights, Cam gets to bed by 8, I have time to clean the house, do laundry and dedicate at least 2 hours of that time to my well-being. That can be working out, reading and or whatever it is I feel like doing. Okay, I’m an open book but I’m no liar, I don’t work out, but I would love to add to that to my agenda eventually. I’ve been currently rocking the mom bod this past year but S/O to God, he’s been on my side when it comes to handling this post pregnancy body. You have to remember that your own self care is just as important as everyone else in your household. Your own personal successes or lack thereof affects your mental and when you are a mom, your mental has to be right in order to maintain your home and be SUPERMOM. It’s okay to have bad days, you know those days when you get home, you feed the kids and soon after pour a full glass of wine just to wind down a little bit. Those days are okay. The good days are even better, you know the days where you feel as if you’ve “Won the Day”, the day that you were your most productive self which may also end with wine and that’s okay too. The moral of this story is to not let being a mom make you lose yourself. It is indeed a transition, but one must not get lost in it. Mommin' is not easy, but a lot of us do a damn good job on making it look that way. The ability to look flawless and handle business knowing that it took two plus hours to get dressed because the little one had a series of outfit changes is one thing that dads could never compete with. So being a mom isn't easy but it is so amazing. We just have to remember that there is so much more out there for us to be.  Don’t let it interfere with YOU being your best YOU in all areas. The goal is to provide the best life for our little humans and how are we supposed to do that if we are constantly making excuses and not making moves?