Pregnant AF: Perks & Nuisances

Mama is currently entering week 34!


This pregnancy has most definitely been different. Different as in a bit more difficult, maybe because I have a toddler at home who has no respect for my pregnancy at all. He still wants to run, jump, flip, kick and do all things boys love to do. He likes to stay up late and wake up early. I like to be in bed by 8 and wake up late. Not to mention, I am very protective when it comes to my food, especially my snacks, a weird craving this pregnancy has been Jell-O Pudding; vanilla and chocolate twirl. He always wants some, I always want to say no, it’s get tense in my house over snacks some days. So as you can see, we have often have a conflict. He doesn’t make it hard, he just makes it interesting. Getting off of my 9-5, coming home to mom, wife and still be a sane individual who practices great self-care can take up a lot of time. That sometimes makes my desired bedtime a bit unrealistic MOST nights. I’m usually forced with making the decision to read or sleep. I end up reading and falling asleep shortly after sometimes book left open on my lap. We all know pregnant tired is a different breed.

I say all of this to say, not only am I MORE tired than I’ve ever been in my life, I am more hungry and my body is more achy. I can eat everything. I eat 5-6 times a day and that’s not including snacks. Usually my husband just looks at me with the “you eating again face”. Thank the baby body Gods that I haven’t gained that much weight. It’s actually shocking to me. That has to be one of the perks of this pregnancy. Being able to eat what I want and nobody judging me. A downfall of this pregnancy is the toll it is taken on my body. My ankles are wondering what’s going on with me. Currently 20+lbs. heavier, I’m pretty sure that my ankles haven’t adjusted to this pregnant weight. They ache, they swell, they throb, they have been very disobedient! I wore an ace bandage to work Friday because it was the only thing left to do after that whole “RICE” (rest, ice, compression, elevate) thing these athletes do. It drew way toooooo much attention, everyone, I mean everyone was asking me what was wrong with my ankle. I hated it. The ankle questions then led into the how’s the baby?, what’s the gender?, when’s the due date questions. A whole lot of repeated conversations.  A lot of small talk, and if you know me, I HATE THAT ISH. So adios to the ace bandage in public anyway.

What I love the most has to be my hair. It has been cooperating on so many levels. Its growing, my curls are flourishing and its making me really freaking happy. Secretly giving me high hopes for baby girl’s hair. I was a bald head baby laced with hats and headbands for about 8-9 months so I’m hoping God isn’t cruel and blesses Lady B with some curls, we’ll just have to see. The next thing that is exciting to me has been watching my size 4 clothes stretch to its capacity. Sunday I wore a size 4 dress and I was hella shocked that it actually fit. The elasticity of my pre pregnancy clothing is incomparable! Of course, wearing my husband’s clothes have been a huge blessing. I GET SO MANY Compliments when I wear his jeans. Best believe, I always let the person giving the compliment know that they are my husband’s jeans too. There are about five pairs that I’m pretty sure he will never see in his closet again. Guilt tripping him is how I got access to them in the first place. “I’m fat babe, I can’t fit anything” ~ I’d say. J I’ve had mental breakdowns when trying on clothes that I had to say goodbye to at least until July anyway. My favorite pair of denim wouldn’t come over my hips and I guess it was my hormones being on overload and feeling like a whale, I cried my little eyes out. Hubby felt so bad, I mean he is responsible for this belly, so the least he could do was provide with clothing that fit, right?

THE THING I HATE THE MOST, this is where I get weird! Some pregnant women are enthused when people constantly check on them. I am not some people. I am a different kind of human, I like solitary confinement. Sis is weird af. Sis is an introvert. Sis likes to be left alone. I AM SIS. Sis just don’t like to be asked the same questions over and over. I caught myself being so mean one day and I had to check it. Someone text asking about the baby and I had literally just told them the same info a few days earlier, I almost told them to go back and read the text from a few days ago. Like here you have this nice person checking on little ole me and I am being a COMPLETE ASSHOLE, not cool sis.  The touching of the belly is a little creepy for me too. It’s like you are rubbing my uterus right now, that’s how it comes off to me anyway. I have to be in the mood for socializing with the belly. Please ask before you touch. It’s like grabbing someone’s boob and rubbing it without permission, that’s assault. I’m dramatic.

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