I used to pray for times like this...

So would you all believe that I’ve prayed for this? Not for the international pandemic and this quarantine of course, but to have my husband home with us more.

Moving to Boston came as a result of a career change, that career change involves lots of travel, and to a stay at home mom of 2, no matter how much of a notice he gives me, in my brain it’s always last minute. Little did I know, things would soon be different.

While we were in 80 degree Miami weather poolside drinking strong alcoholic beverages, eating shrimp tacos while our kids were suited in the cutest swimwear, literally no worries; the world as we knew it was CHANGING. Back in Boston, supermarket shelves were being ran through, and we had no idea we’d be on a week long search for toilet paper when we got back. 

As we were enjoying our last day there, our emails were filled with the realities we’d face once we stepped foot off that plane. My sons school announced it would be closed effective that Monday indefinitely and Paul’s job sent out an email advising they’d be working from home.

Apart of me was excited like yasssss God come through since I’d been praying for more time together. However, you really gotta be specific when talking to God. 

First week home it went okay. As an homebody for obvious reasons, I’m excited. Not having to go outside, make drop offs, do pickups is MY kinda self care. But I’m 100% not used to my husband being home in my space all damn day so I knew we’d have to find our balance. 

To be honest, my flow was off! Maybe it was because I started noticing shit about him that I usually wouldn’t have the opportunity to. 

Exhibit A: after he eats, he just leaves his plate on my dining room table. 

Exhibit B: he puts empty boxes back in the cabinet instead of throwing it out. (He’ll deny this one for sure)

He also asks a lot of questions about the structure of my day, makes lil comments about my snack intake, encourages me to do physical activity and honestly I really wasn’t prepared for that type of negative energy.

Fast forward as we enter week 8 of this time that “I’ve prayed for”, I’m relearning this guy (he hates mustard, always have, who knew) we are enjoying binge watching TV shows together (we haven’t watched so much TV in years) and daily trying to figure out ways for us to come out of this quarantine stronger than ever!!! 

Here’s what’s working for us...

Eating togetherWe have literally prayed over and eaten every meal together since the lockdown with the strict rule of no phones at dinnertime. 

Go OUTSIDE: So not like the real outside where other people would be less than 6 feet from you, but like outside to take a walk. Fresh air is proven to cleanse you, it’s also proven to make you happier. 

Designated Nap Time For The Kids: Having two kids under 4 is tf exhausting! Put them to sleep at the same time every day so at least 2 hours of your day you have the freedom to do what you want. Some days I catch up on SVU, some days I finish off a pint of ice cream, and other days I sneak in Paul’s office to cuddle. 

Have Sex: Duh! 

Write your game plan for life after lockdown:  We all know this won’t last forever, make sure that when the world opens back up you are ready to do what it takes to succeed. Make personal and family goals AND action plans. 

Practice Your Thing: Everyone has a thing, in a perfect world I’d be practicing on my vocals but plot twist; I can’t sing so I’ve literally been writing my life away, and Paul is doing his whole creative thing which I can’t share. It’s puts you in a good space and instead of feeling like your days been a waste, it’s adds a productivity factor. 

Live in the moment: God-willing, we don’t have to be anywhere but home. This is the time to enjoy it. Watch that movie with your kid even if you’ve already watched it 100 times, listen to your husband vent about no basketball, watch the old games with him, husbands let your wives be great. If she wants to get dressed at 11am to take selfies, tell her she looks pretty and let her do her thing. 

This is time we won’t ever get back. 2020 will be a year we talk about for ages. Don’t let this new normal break you, your family, and your relationship. If we come out of this with anything, let it be GREAT MEMORIES.